MAC Valves BulletValve®307 with constant switching times below 1 ms.

MAC Valves BulletValve®307

If a millisecond rise time isn't fast enough, Mac Valves introduces the new MAC BulletValve®307. This miniature 3-way valve has constant switching times below 1 ms.

The BV307 is designed as a compact, light and custamizable valve. The cartridge design - in combination with the unique properties of MAC Valves - provide a great number of possibilities. Please watch the demo below!

Advantages of the Mac Bullet Valve

  • Compact housing
  • Pressure independent due to balanced design
  • Fully configurable
  • Precise opening and closing times
  • Direct electrically operated, no pilot valve
  • From 7 mm diameter to 28 mm diameter
  • Large flow possible (up to 2,800 NL/min)
  • Universal function, both Normally Open and Normally Closed in the same valve
  • 2/2, 3/2 and 4/2 valve options
  • Wattage possible from 1 Watt to 230 Watt
  • Same properties from valve to valve
  • Optional option to protect the replacement market

Click voor meer informatie over de MAC Bullet Valve.

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